Hi, I’m Tona the owner of Toys Games & Stuff.

When I graduated with my BA in English, I expected to spend my days working on my novel and my evenings hobnobbing with editors and publishers who were all scrambling to get their hands on my next chapter. But after realizing I had no interest in eating ramen noodles every day, I found work writing product descriptions for online catalogs.
The work was fine but more than once I felt like I was being disingenuous and making products sound way more appealing than they really were.
About that time, my sister had her second child and so instead of hobnobbing in the evening, I would hang out with my three-year-old nephew to give her a break. Now, if you know anything about three-year-old boys, you know that they are tiny one-man demolition crews who will go out of their way to destroy every toy in their path.
Not only that but nearly every toy marketed to them required three different types of screwdriver, batteries, and a rubber mallet to put together.
One evening, after spending 2 hours putting together a super-cool remote-controlled toy, I watched as my nephew ran it into the wall over and over again for 15 minutes. My sister told me it would be fine because the description in the catalog said it was built to stand up to rough play.
Of course, the words were hardly out of her mouth before we heard the recognizable howl of a heartbroken toddler and looked to see the toy doing nothing – no matter how many times he pushed the big button on the remote.
That night over a glass of wine, my sister said, “I don’t have time to go online and read all the reviews and compare this toy to that one. Maybe I will just give him a rock and a cardboard box and hope for the best.”
The next day, I set out to find a way to consolidate all of the key points she needed so that she could compare toys and games and stuff for my nephew (and pretty soon, my niece). Thus, TG&S was born.
Our team has set out to do all the legwork for you so that you don’t have to waste your time digging around on the internet. Moreover, we promise to give you the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly details so you can make an informed decision about whatever you are looking for.
Hopefully, you find our guides and reviews helpful. We also offer easy links to the products and if you use them, we can earn enough money to keep us in coffee and jammie pants. And if you want to, you can even stop by and say “Hi.”