In the more than 50 years of Hot Wheel’s existence, they have produced thousands of different car models, each inspired by an actual vehicle or creatively envisioned to bring a unique design.In...
Posts by Tona N
There are a lot of different types of RC vehicles: cars, planes, monster trucks, and boats. However, sometimes those aren't good enough, and you need the pure awesomeness of a Jeep -- just like...
Whether you are a child or an adult, if you have ever played with a remote control vehicle, then you know the absolute joy that it can bring. Both remote control cars and remote control helicopters...
Are Hot Wheels from the 90’s Worth Anything?(Specific Car Model Values)
Hot Wheels are another toy venture by Mattel and yes their 90’s versions can be worth a good amount based on the condition and which models. Mattel made Limited Edition versions of Hot...
Hot Wheels cars have been quite an icon for many decades and it’s likely that you either grew up playing with them at your’s or a friend’s house. It’s something that many kids will surely...
Are Hot Wheels Better Than Matchbox? (Which Should You Buy?)
Toy collecting has become a very popular hobby amongst kids and adults alike. Of course, among all the different kinds of toys, toy cars seem to be the most prevalent collectible. When it comes to...